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Machine Learning Entrepreneurship - Intermediate Master Class on Applied Data Science
Introduction - Tools of the trade - Python, Flask, Bootstrap, PythonAnywhere, Memberful
Course Introduction - What is this All About? (9:35)
The Tools Used in this Class (12:42)
Hello World - Local Flask (8:57)
Hello World - PythonAnywhere (5:18)
Machine Learning Project 1 - Plagiarism Defender
Exploring the Plagiarism Defender (17:45)
Building our local Flask web application (20:43)
Building our PythonAnywhere web application (11:21)
Machine Learning Project 2 - Predicting Earthquakes with Google Maps
Exploring the earthquake predictor and visualizer (46:16)
Building our local Flask web application (19:24)
Building our PythonAnywhere web application (8:28)
Machine Learning Project 3.1 - Stock Market Trade Recommendations
Exploring the Stock Market Trade Recommender (45:01)
Building our local Flask web application (13:42)
Building our PythonAnywhere web application (7:03)
Machine Learning Project 3.2 - Building A Paywall
Building the Memberful Paywall (14:15)
Bonus Material
Quickly Build Great Looking Websites with Bootstrap and
Create Your Own Free Email Signup Form for Static Web Sites
Conclusion (4:53)
Create Your Own Free Email Signup Form for Static Web Sites
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